Date of establishment:
Government Gazette A’ 2407, 04-08-2016
Alexandros D. Papayannis
Professor at NTUA
Contact Information:
Laboratory of Optoelectronics, Lasers and their Applications (LOLA)
School of Applied Mathematical and Physics Sciences
National Technical University of Athens
9, Heroon Polytechniou Str. Zografou
Athens, 15780
Physics Building
+30 – 210 – 772 – 2992 | 3345 | 2931 | 2934
The “Laboratory of Optoelectronics, Lasers and their Applications” of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences (SEMFE)of NTUA was founded in 2016 (FEK 2407/04-08-2016) as a natural evolution of the Research Group ” Laser Development and their Applications ” of the of NTUA’s Department of Physics, whose members have been active in the field since 1978. The founder of the research group is Professor A.A. Serafetinidis. The Laboratory consists of three research teams: the Laser Development and Applications Team (OAEL), the Laser Remote Sensing Unit (LRSU) and the Group for Materials Laser Microprocessing(GMLM).
The main purpose of the Laboratory is to serve the educational and research needs of NTUA in the fields of optoelectronics, lasers and their applications. The laboratory has a staff of 4 Professors: 2 Emeritus Professors (A.A. Serafetinides, M. Makropoulou) 2 Professors (A. Papayannis, I. Zergioti), 1 Associate Professor (G. Tsigaridas) and 1 Laboratory Teaching Staff (E. Krali). It also includes post-graduate researchers, Ph.D. candidates, post-graduate students and external scientific collaborators from Greece and abroad, from various research centers, universities and international organizations.
The Laboratory’s research areas include, among others: optoelectronics and relevant applications, the development of continuous and pulsed laser systems (gas and solid-state lasers), the use of optical fibers and waveguides, the interaction of laser radiation with materials and living matter, industrial applications of lasers, applications of lasers in cultural heritage, LIF spectroscopy, photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy, atmospheric lidar, atmospheric physics, lidar techniques in atmospheric pollution, meteorology and cloud physics, environmental physics, development and processing of microstructures with lasers, photodetectors, modulators, dosimetry and safety in laser applications, theoretical and experimental study of ultrafast processes using fs laser pulses in the field of nanophotonics, optical tomography, etc., development of laser printing technology on metals, inks with metallic nanoparticles, and other superconcentrated liquids, development and characterization of printable micro-electronic devices, development of laser direct printing of cells and other biological materials, study of environmental and food parameter sensors, study of refractive index sensors and biosensors, study of optical trapping of biological structures and other particles using lasers, study of electromagnetic interactions between metallic nanoparticles and nanoshells with electromagnetic radiation and applications in heating biological tissues and other materials, study of Dirac and Weyl particle electromagnetic interactions.
The members of the Laboratory have participated and are participating in hundreds of national and international competitive research projects (e.g. EUREKA, STRIDE, ΠAΕΤ, ΕΠΕΤ II, ΠΕΝΕΔ, ΠΕΒΕ, EPEAEK I, II, ENVIRONMENT, ΕΠΑΝ-NONEU, ENTER 2001, ΕΣΠΑ, ΕΠΑΝΕΚ, EU FP5, FP6, FP7, HORIZON 2020, EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY, etc.). Additionally, the members of the Laboratory contribute to the educational program of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Science with the teaching of compulsory and elective courses to undergraduate and graduate students, with the teaching of laboratory classes, seminars, supervision of undergraduate and graduate theses, Ph.D. dissertations, etc.
Furthermore, the members of the Laboratory have offered many new courses to the educational program of the School and support to a large extent the Flow of “Optoelectronics and Lasers”. Also, they have written numerous educational textbooks that have been approved as teaching aids by the National Technical University of Athens and most Greek Universities.